Thursday, October 25, 2012

Skywatch#125 It's More Fun In Davao

Department of Tourism's present slogan is "It's More Fun In the Philippines!". For me, Davao's got a lot of share of that fun. Surrounded by mountains and facing the sea, we got the best of both worlds. Ziplining, scuba diving and mountain climbing are just some of the activities Davao City offers. I've done most of those activities and I am not finished yet hahaha!

In the meantime, the photos were taken during a Worldwide photowalk last October 13. There were three photowalks happening in the city on that day but I chose Sta. Ana Wharf. The photos were of the newly made statues at the entrance of the old wharf. The eagle is city's iconic symbol while the statue of the family is of the indigenous tribe carrying their produce. The backlight was of the sun rising on that day.


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Friday, October 12, 2012

Skywatch#124 Sunset At Airport


Fly in, fly out. That's what we did this week in Manila. While on the way to the airport (NAIA 3), I saw the sunset peeping thru the trees and just had to take a photo. Thankfully, the traffic lightened for a second for me to steal this one.


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