Thursday, April 18, 2013

Skywatch#134 The Mighty Mount Apo

 photo 7a6a8b28-6395-45bd-a9b7-3d0c46bea765_zps055bc036.jpg Partially hidden from the clouds, Mt. Apo stays majestic. We were trying to catch a few more photos before it was hidden entirely by the clouds. It has always been considered as the grandfather of the Philippine mountains. Not surprisingly, as it is the tallest at more than 10,000 feet. It is also a popular must-climb, must-see destination for climbers. The peak season is during summer in the months of March-May. It has a number of trails but the Kidapawan trail is considered as the more accessible. Some people are proposing to build stairs to the peak but I personally could not agree about it.

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Friday, April 12, 2013

Skywatch#133 Summer in Britania Islands

We had an early start for summer last month. For years, we have been planning to get to Britania Islands, San Agustin, Surigao del Sur. Finally, after coordinating our group's schedules we did it on a weekend.  With one van full of my friends, we started our trip in the early morning of Saturday. The trip took more than six (6) hours but thankfully, the road was mostly paved. 

Here was one of our rewards after the long trip, a magnificent view from Hagonoy island (one of the 24 islets of Britania islands):

 photo bdefdcdb-0535-4665-91a6-0d825f4afd11_zps8719a9dd.jpg


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