Thursday, November 24, 2011

Skywatch#95 Rainbow Over San Juanico Strait


The day started as very sunny and hot but when we got to San Juanico Bridge, the overcast skies came in fast. Suddenly, we were drenched in rain but we kept taking photos. Our driver could not stay on the bridge for fear of getting caught by the police so he had to drive down at the end of the bridge towards Sta. Rita, Samar and came back for us. He did it thrice. The first two tries we wouldn't budge from taking photos while walking down the more than two kilometers length of San Juanico Bridge. By then, the rain and sun already battled it out several times. In between, this rainbow showed over San Juanico Strait. Glorious!

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Skywatch#94 Carmel Monastery of Davao

Overcast skies threatened my annual church visit last Holy Week. Thankfuly, the rain started when I was already half-way through the list of the churches I was planning to visit that week.

Anyway, this is the Carmel Monastery of Davao or the Carmel of Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary. It has been more than a decade since I last visited the church and it did not actually changed much. Nevertheless, it is one of the churches that I could actually some real peace and quiet that is conducive to meditation and prayer unlike the bigger churches of the city wherein people can get quite noisy.


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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Skywatch#93 Mactan International Airport

Once again, Manila's Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) got the flak for being on the top 10 worst airports in the world. Most complaints were made against NAIA I which is the oldest among the three NAIA's. Sure, the airport made some improvements all through the years but if comparing it with other airports in the region, there are just too much to be done.


While NAIA is getting bad reviews, airport officials of other airports throughout the country should start taking stock of their own airports which likely have the same problems as that of NAIA.


Photos were taken while we were taking off from the Mactan International Airport. The said airport is the gateway to Cebu City and surrounding areas.

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