Friday, September 30, 2011

Skywatch#89 Sea And Sky

Photo was taken on our way home from Costa Marina Beach Resort. It was a beautiful, sunny day and I  just loved the seeming endless blue and green of sky and the sea


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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Skywatch#88 Heaven Is Beautiful


Going home from a business meeting in Cebu, these clouds made me think of heaven.

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Skywatch#87 Costa Marina Clouds


The weather cooperated very well that day; fluffy clouds, blue skies and calm waters. We had all the beach resort by ourselves and my friend was truly amazed. After all, Costa Marina Beach Resort is just right beside its more popular counterpart, Paradise Island Beach Resort, Samal Island, IGACOS. There, it could get quite noisy and rowdy but I prefer the quieter Costa Marina.


Too bad we had little time to stay longer on the beach but still, I was quite happy to spend time with my friend.

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Skywatch#86 Dark Clouds Over Willy's Rock


I would have preferred the blue skies and calm, azure waters of my previous visits in Boracay Island but Typhoon Mina (International name: Nanmadol) could not just cooperate. The sun did its best to come out but the dark clouds always hovered over Boracay during our stay there.

Photo was taken at Willy's Rock. Willy's Rock is one of the famous landmarks of the world-renowned Boracay's White beach, considered as one of the best beaches in the world.

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Compiling All My Travel Contact Numbers

Through the years of traveling, I accumulated a lot of brochures and contact details (email addresses, landlines and cellphone numbers) of airlines, tour operators,  travel agencies, hotel accommodations, plane ticket reservations, and even those of shipping companies, boat operators, drivers including tricycle drivers and all those necessary numbers to keep my travels smooth sailing.

I kept the little notebooks that contain these numbers and from time to time, I browse them to recall some details I had forgotten or whenever somebody would request for some contact numbers of the hotels or tour operators and other what-have-yous. The task requires patience but since I like sharing travel stories, I always accommodated the request. However, because these little notebooks have been increasing in numbers, finding the necessary information has become daunting. So, I’ve been thinking of compiling all my travel contacts in one softcopy. Gotta find some time for that.

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Skywatch#85 Kiteboarding At Boracay


While dark clouds and the sun rays battle for supremacy in that afternoon, I could only watch, took photos and be amazed at the kiteboarders' derring-do as they tackled the tailwinds of Typhoon Mina (International name: Nanmadol) passing by Boracay Island last week. 

As the typhoon battered the northern part of the Philippines, the tailwinds of Typhoon Mina made the kiteboarders' play so much fun and scary to watch in Boracay. Some moments, the wind would take them flying a few meters above the waters and in some moments, the wind would slam them back to the waters that I could barely see the top of their heads. For sure, not for the faint-hearted. I wondered if I could do it, actually.

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