Deciding on a location for a honeymoon is a major decision for a couple soon to be married. Should you stay close to home or travel far away? If you travel overseas, will you know enough of the language to get by? Challenges do exist, but the world has some great honeymoon destinations for couples trying to find the best location for their trip.
[View of Tequila Sunrise, a luxury villa in Anguilla, Caribbean]
With its beautiful blue skies, sandy beaches, and endless areas to have fun, the Caribbean is one of the most popular destinations in the world. Featuring a unique food culture, living that mixes the indoors with the outdoors, and spacious homes built to make the most of what land there is, the entire Caribbean region works wonders for each and every guest. Anguilla villas are particularly popular for their mix of modern convenience and island culture; pictured here is Tequila Sunrise, a private retreat in Anguilla that offers some of the greatest comforts around, including beach equipment, rafts for the infinity-edge pool, oversized en-suite bathrooms, enormous king-size beds, and some conveniently large HDTV’s for entertainment. The beautiful sunsets, elegant design, and modern convenience help to make every day exciting, and every night romantic, for any couple that sleeps within its walls.
[View of Les Palmiers, a luxury villa in St. Martin, Caribbean]
One aspect of villa travel not always apparent at the start is that in most of the world, many villas are larger structures. Rental homes tend to be constructed first as homes, after all, and they can end up being perhaps a little bit large for just a single couple. There are, however, a few villas constructed with single couples in mind, and particularly honeymoons. One of these romantic getaways is Les Palmiers, a charming single-bedroom villa on the island of St. Martin that mixes privacy with luxury to create the ideal vacation experience. The beautifully furnished rooms help provide comfort without being overbearing, allowing you to live inside the home rather than simply use it. Mosaics line the bathroom, a large HDTV adorns the living room, and a variety of staff members are available on request to do as much or as little room as you want. Perhaps the most ideal location on the entire island, maybe even the entire region, Les Palmiers is a fantastic choice for any couple.