My World#116 Abreeza's Dancing Fairies
For me, Ayala Abreeza Mall is just one too many malls in my city. But what made me go there to check it out? Their dancing fairies.
When I first went to Ayala Abreeza Mall, it was for the Canon's Photo Shoot and Run contest. I was hoping to find the dancing fairies somewhere in the maze-like lobbies of the newly-opened mall but I could not find them after walking around for hours. I actually first saw them in a national newspaper announcing the opening of the mall.
My mistake was I did not get inside their department store. I only saw these dancing fairies on the next day when I took my mother to see the mall. Knowing that she likes the home section of any malls, I took her inside the department store. And voila! There are the dancing fairies right in the middle of the department store.
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They are manikins, right? Are they moved like puppets or something that make them dance? They seem to be attracting. Nice.
I think we all have too many malls -- wherever we live, but I have to agree with you, I love the dancing fairies! Terrific captures for the day, Marites! That could be a fun place to sit and stare at the ceiling even if you didn't shop!! Have a great week!
Wonderfully positioned dancing ferries.
Lovely shots! The dancing fairies are splendid!! Through them, happy mood is spreading among visitors, including me. They are the essence of joy!
Have a nice weekend!
Fantastic pictures of lovely fairies. They are spreading happiness overlooking people in the mall. Do they move/dance in the air, since they are suspended from the ceiling?
· Thanks for visit my blog and lovely comment.
I can see good photos in yours
· regards
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